Hi guys. I'm new to this diagnosis. I find the mornings the worst, luckily leveling out during the day. Do you guys find a similar pattern? Any advice for waking up and quickly getting a handle on fluids and BP?
- I've started putting my compression socks on first thing - with them on my bed side.
- water bottle at my bed starts early too.
- for the ladies here - do you find you're worse before your period?
Any other morning tips appreciated!
Ethereum prices recently took a shocking hit, plummeting a significant 40% from the previous week’s high. This drastic drop was part of a larger trend in the entire crypto market that saw massive drops across the board, even lower than most predicted, setting a new record for the largest single-day liquidation event since 2022.
Many expected that volatility in the crypto market might lessen, but the unstable nature of cryptocurrencies, including Ethereum, certainly dispelled those beliefs. The tumultuous roller coaster ride that is the crypto market showed its suspense-filled highs and lows yet again, underscoring the absence of calmness in the crypto world.
A seeming uptrend in Ethereum's value rapidly descended into a swift downturn, thanks to widespread sell-offs. It's been suggested that this may be due to normal market dynamics, investor fears, and economic uncertainty adding to this unpalatable mix. The effects of this downturn are markedly noticeable and the impact, blatantly evident.
But it's not all doom and gloom in the crypto space. Sure, Ethereum's price fall isn't great news, but remember, the thing about roller-coasters is that they have as many ups as stomach-churning downs. This downturn might very well set the stage for a climb in the future. Such are the wonders (and horrors) of the crypto markets.
If you liked this post, show your support by leaving a comment or some Upvotes. Because in the world of crypto, we fans embrace not just the
This is a weekly gear sales post for gear and stuff that is knife and EDC related. Here you can sell, trade, and buy EDC gear, watches, and knife / EDC related gear.
**Daily Q&A and Open Discussion**
Greetings adventurers! Please use this daily thread for simple questions and/or open discussion relating to anything Lost Ark. Enjoy!
What class should I play?
Which class is better?
I am new to the game, what should I do?
Should I play X class and why?
Summary: My girlfriend was arrested in 2022 for leaving her daughter in a car while buying pain medication illegally. She was not in possession of drugs or had any in her system. She struggled with addiction for years but has been sober for 10 weeks. She initially pleaded not guilty, and her second court date is on February 19th. However, her public defender is unresponsive, and we’re trying to understand what kind of sentence she might be facing.
Full Story: She was charged with cruelty to children 2nd degree in Georgia. She also has a past misdemeanor for fighting an abusive ex. She battled a pain pill addiction for 8 years but decided to get clean when I told her I couldn’t be with her if she kept using. She went to a clinic the next day and has been sober ever since.
At her first court date, she pleaded not guilty and just received the second date, February 19th. The problem is that her public defender is also a private attorney and won’t respond—he answered one email and won’t take calls.
We just want to know what kind of sentence she might be looking at. Any insight would be greatly appreciated.
Just moved down here like 4-6 months ago and it’s been a tough journey. Rebuilding the life I had in Long Island,NY has been difficult. I work at a T-Mobile Call center and I’m top 20% in the nation. I’m proud of that. However, socialization is the lowest it’s ever been for me in my life. They’re currently paying for my masters degree in business. Anyone else looking for friends in Summerville and want to go out for some drinks?
Tracking my habits daily made a huge difference. I used to do it alone, thinking I could push myself, but I burned out quickly.
Now, I track habits with three friends using a Notion dashboard. If any of us miss three days in a row, we check in and hop on a weekly call.
I’m sure some of you have tried this before—how did it work out for you?
Pois bem, tenho um ryzen 5600g, uma placa b450 da DUEX(sei que é uma marca meme) e uma fonte de 500w, queria da um upgrade de uma rx 6600xt mas não sei se o pc vai conseguir suportar.
sou novo com essas coisas me perdoem se for uma pergunta básica.
In this megathread you can **ask any question** about Punishing: Gray Raven as well as seek help for past or future content. More than likely, a kind frequenter of this subreddit will be able to give you an answer! Remember to be patient while waiting for answers and kind when writing them.
[**GRAY RAVENS**](https://grayravens.com)
>*Fan-made database supported by Kuro Games, created by* /u/Linasera *and* [*her team*](https://grayravens.com/wiki/Site_Staff)*.*
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* ⚠ [Team Compositions](https://grayravens.com/wiki/Team_Compositions/Global_Teams) ⚠
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* [Interlude Guide](https://grayravens.com/wiki/Interludes)
**Gray Raven Radio (Video Guides)**
* 🐦 [Who are the BEST Characters in Punishing: Gray Raven?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TKGf89muL8c&lc=UgxaFzSrEdclZbqJs7p4AaABAg)
* 🐦[ULTIMATE Guide to Banners in PGR](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ZLdan4h-zI)
* 🐦[ULTIMATE Guide to Memories in PGR](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mkja_dr2uR0)
**Great Community-Made Documents**
* 🥂 [PGR Comprehensive Build Sheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_NAHdVouSp2T6AwStpz9ZMLZ_ca5EzcuHde5obIlero/)
* 📅 [PGR Patch Summaries](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vQgasPzrRix58bRLXt17q-LGXl-SBbBoqIcuQu7t4owhHkyGiaFV5LO2gPxBOKrGCnPJ7SadGLlMgjP/pubhtml) (By /u/MrSkyblock404)
* 👗[Coating Acquisition (By Senus)](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1uIWrtp3mZEZgQseY788WHGp7_0mZBE8zSkpVOVCWtP8/edit#gid=1919674511)
* 📆 [Customizable BC Planner (By Victor dan Kaldr \[Verloc\])](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1j5az3SHxE8RL7MsApqGZVIPmn_EHA9udtFehGWBG2z0)
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After the Siberian Establishment and the death of 49,000 (the 8th deadliest conflict in Neo-Agartha thus far), Siberia is established consisting of Siberia (except Yamalia, Khanty-Mansi, Sverdlovsk, Chelyabinsk, Kurgan, Tyumen, Omsk, southeastern Altai, Tannu Tuva, Outer Manchuria, and regions around Lake Baikal) and northeast Kazakhstan. It borders Uralia to the west and Turkestan to the southwest. Konstantin Chernenko is elected president. Novosibirsk is the capital and its total land index is 5664 making it the largest nation in Agartha by far.
A daily thread for the NYT Strands game. Discussion about the current puzzle does not require spoiler text . Please keep all discussion to this thread.